In Pakistan, the more widely the health issues are those which are faced throughout south Asia the most health issue we face as a nation are communicable diseases like malaria and cholera now these diseases are replaced by non-communicable which can’t spread be person to person disease like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases these were the main cause of death in past two decades

The major problem we are having is now health care conditions and how to treat those conditions we do not have much health care providers such as doctors, nursing staff to provide better health care to the patient and to counsel them

The health conditions in Pakistan are on alarming stage and these issues are converting into life threatening conditions

Most of the population of Pakistan, belongs to lower and lower-middle class and they cannot afford high-cost treatments due to which an acute disease become a chronic disease which is difficult to treat

The second reason in most of the rural area people are not aware of their disease due to which they do not get treatment on time

The main reason is illiteracy, unawareness and a patient is not able to afford the treatment below the list of Seven main disease and health conditions that are so common for us and that can be death call:

BLOOD PRESSURE: the outcome of the high blood pressure in future is heart disease high blood pressure may lead to stoke which is the leading cause of deaths.

MALARIA: malaria is caused by a female anopheles mosquito bite it spreads when a female mosquito breed on contaminated water it spread from person to person especially in rural areas it is the top health condition we are having now in Pakistan

DIABETES: the most common disease we are facing about four out of ten people are having diabetic conditions till 2030 Pakistan will be among top five countries having diabetes

HEPATITIS: it is the disease which effect our liver it is caused by drinking contaminated water or food which cause liver inflammation the most common hepatitis in Pakistan is A and C people should be aware of this because it spread from feces or a blood transfusion of a hepatitis patient

ASTHMA:  about 7% people of Pakistan are facing asthma it is an airway disease which is cause by smoking or dust particles it can not be treated by it has management to decrease the risk

MENTAL HEALTH: Most of the people are suffering from mental health issues such as depression they are not able to share their feelings to others, they need proper counseling

DIARRHEA: it is an infectious disease caused by bacterial infection due to contaminated and unclean water in our country it is also the serious issue

So, these were the major health conditions we are having in our country for this we need proper medical system doctors which counsel patient and discuss with patient about their conditions

The main thing is to guide the people living in city or in rural area poor or rich they should be properly aware of their health conditions how to take medications on time a pharmacist should also guide the patient for proper health benefits

The government should take proper action to promote health quality and services to the people of this country.












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